Things To Consider When Getting Married In The Orthodox Church

Orthodox wedding crowns

There are a lot of questions couples should be asking themselves as they prepare to marry in the Orthodox Church. Are they qualified to marry in the Church in the first place? Do they have the required legal documents? Do they have everything they need for the ceremony itself? In this post, we’ll explore a lot of these questions and discuss the things all couples should consider as their wedding approaches.

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

Who can get married in the Orthodox Church?

Before you can even contemplate having your wedding in the Orthodox Church, you must make sure you and your spouse meet certain requirements. While some jurisdictions may have additional guidelines for couples, there are two that every jurisdiction has in common. They are rather simple and self-explanatory:

  1. Both of you must be baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity (cf. Matt. 28:19), and at least one (but preferably both) of you must be an Orthodox Christian.

    In other words, this essentially means the Church does not bless or perform marriages between Orthodox Christians and non-Christians (ex. Muslims, Jews, Atheists). This is because the sacramental nature of the marriage bond requires the couple to not only pledge their love to each other but also their lives to Christ. If half the couple does not believe in Him, how can they pledge their lives to Him together?

    *Note: the priest may request baptismal certificates to prove that baptism in the name of the Trinity truly took place. He may also request valid birth certificates.

  2. Neither of you can be currently married to another.

    This applies to marriages blessed by the Orthodox Church and to secular marriages. If either of you received a civil divorce, typically you must first receive a blessing from your bishop recognizing the divorce and allowing remarriage. Additionally, if you or your future spouse is widowed, you must produce a legal death certificate for the deceased spouse.

    Read More: Remarriage after Divorce

Additional marriage restrictions

The Orthodox Church also prohibits the following marriages:

  • Parent with child/grandchild
  • Brother-in-law with sister-in-law
  • First or second cousins
  • Aunt/Uncle with niece/nephew
  • Godparent with Godchild
  • Godfather/mother with parent of Godchild
  • Foster parents with foster child
  • Same sex relations

When can a wedding take place?

Another important consideration for couples marrying in the Church is the actual date of the wedding ceremony. Throughout the year, the Church does not officiate marriages during certain seasons or on certain dates. If you have access to a liturgical calendar, here is a good rule of thumb: the Church cannot officiate marriages on any day that calls for fasting (colored red on the calendar). Occasionally these dates vary in different jurisdictions; however, in general, Orthodox churches does not officiate marriages on the following dates:

  • All Wednesdays and Fridays (unless they are during feast periods)
  • Any evening that comes before one of the Twelve Major Feasts
  • During any of the four extended fasting periods
    • Nativity Fast (Nov. 15 – Dec. 24)
    • Great Lent (dates change each year)
    • Apostles’ Fast (the Monday after All Saints to the feast day of Ss. Peter and Paul on June 29)
    • Dormition Fast (Aug. 1 – Aug. 14)
  • Aug. 28/29 (the Beheading of St. John the Baptist)
  • Sept. 13/14 (the Exaltation of the Holy Cross)

Only under grave circumstance will the Church allow weddings during these periods. In that case, the Metropolitan must grant permission for the marriage to take place.

Additionally, when planning your wedding, attempt to communicate with the priest as soon as you can. Take into account his schedule and the availability of the church’s facilities as well.

Where can the wedding take place?

Thankfully, this question is one of the easiest to answer! Orthodox weddings must take place in an Orthodox church building, not at a private home, botanical garden, beach, etc. Since marriage is a sacrament intimately tied to the life of the Church, it must be administered within the Church, which resides in physical buildings under the authority of bishops.

Selection of the Wedding Party

Out of all wedding party members, the Koumbaros/Koumbara is perhaps the most important. Every couple wed in the Church must have one, and he/she is required to be a member in good standing of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Put another way, only those baptized Orthodox can fulfill this role. You only need to have either a Koumbaros or a Koumbara, not both. However, if you wish to have both, that is perfectly acceptable. In Orthodox Tradition, the man, woman, or couple chosen eventually become the godparents of any future children.

In the strict interpretation of the Church, the Koumbaros/Koumbara is not the same as the best man/maid of honor. While the latter serves as nothing more than a legal witness, the former serves as an ecclesiastical witness, or a witness before God and the Church, attesting to the reality of your marriage. In some traditions, he may also exchange the rings and the crowns, and hold the ribbon as you walk around the ceremonial table together as husband and wife. As part of this role, he purchases the wedding crowns, the silver tray, the almonds, the candles, etc., used during the ceremony. But if you prefer, you can have the same person serve both roles in your wedding.

If you plan to have additional groomsmen, bridesmaids, ushers, etc., they do not have to be Orthodox. They must, however, agree to observe the practice and etiquette of Eastern Orthodox Tradition while participating in your wedding. Additionally, make sure to speak with your priest, so he is aware of those who will be in the wedding party.

After choosing a date and selecting your wedding party, you will need to consult with the priest. During the course of these talks, you will receive an application for an ecclesial marriage license (marriage in the Church). You must obtain the following documents to complete that application:

  • Baptismal certificates for both you and your future spouse
  • A copy of your civil Certificate of Marriage (if already civilly married)
  • Civil divorce papers (if previously married in a civil service)
  • Original ecclesial divorce certificate (if previously married in the Orthodox Church)

One quick note about civil marriage licenses. In order for a priest to marry you in the Church, by law you must obtain a civil marriage licence. Both parties must be present to obtain a marriage license.

Required items for an Orthodox wedding service

Lastly, you want to make sure you have everything you’ll need for the wedding service itself. Here is a general list of items, though this might vary by jurisdiction or parish. Check with your priest for a more comprehensive list.

  • The rings
  • A pair of wedding crowns
  • Two white candles
  • A common cup

A couple other things to consider

Keep in mind that the Betrothal service and Marriage (Crowning) service are one united Sacrament. Therefore, they must be celebrated at the same time and can never be separated. (This contrasts Roman Catholic and Protestant practice, in which some couples become betrothed before the marriage service. Additionally, clergy cannot officiate at the marriage of multiple brides and grooms at the same time. One couple, one service.

Lastly, if both you and your future spouse are Orthodox, you should plan to receive the sacraments of Confession and Communion prior to the wedding ceremony. Even if only one of you is Orthodox, that one should do the same.


In summary, make sure you fulfill all the requirements we discussed above if you wish to be wed in the Orthodox Church. Make sure you and your spouse are eligible, that you choose an appropriate date, select your wedding party members with great care, and obtain all important legal documents to give to the priest. And of course, don’t forget to get all the items you will need for the ceremony itself.

Did we miss anything? Do you have any questions that we didn’t answer in this post? Let us know in the comments!

Read More: 7 Holy Sacraments in the Orthodox Church

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18 Responses

  1. What happens if I take my civil marriage license but I don’t get married by civil ? Isn’t my church wedding a Sacrament ? Isn’t it legal ?

  2. Eddie,

    Christ is in our midst. Forgive us, but we don’t quite understand your question. Are you asking what happens if you get married in the Church but do not have a civil marriage license? God bless.

    1. I hear Eddie asking if he needs to have a civil magistrate marry him prior to his sacramental marriage to make the marriage “legal?” In other words, with a civil license in hand, won’t his church marriage satisfy his governmental jurisdiction’s requirements to be legally married.

      1. Nick,

        Christ is in our midst! Now that we reread the question with your follow-up comment, that makes a bit more sense. In that case, the civil marriage license is what makes something “legal” in the eyes of the state. Eddie is correct in that the marriage is indeed a Holy Mystery and is binding before the Lord. However, the state does not follow our Lord anymore, and thus requires its own “proof” of your marriage, which is the license. This obviously does not mean you have to be married by a justice of the peace in addition to being married in the Church. Hopefully this makes sense! God bless!

    1. Christ is among us! There is no requirement among Orthodox churches to charge a fee from members who wish to be married. But every parish does things differently, so we would recommend asking the priest at the parish or someone on the parish council/board. God bless!

  3. Will it be possible to still marry if I’m orthodox and my partner is Christian? What would need to happen in this case? Thank you.

    1. Luna,

      Due to the use of the word “partner” in homosexual discourse, we just want to ensure that you are indeed referring to a partner who is of the opposite sex. If that is the case, then moving on. The wish of the Church is for all people to be united in Christ, making their home an extension of the Church herself. The prayer is for a couple to raise children, by God’s grace, and to allow them to become faithful leaders and participants in the Church of Christ. For these reasons, for centuries, the Orthodox Canon Law discouraged intermarriage of any type. The Church, in Her wisdom, allows for discernment and oikonomia in allowing for people to marry someone else of a Christian and Trinitarian Doctrine.

      Consult the wisdom of your local priest if you are contemplating intermarriage. There are many people that marry non-Orthodox spouses, but there are many things to consider. The following directives should be taken into account, as you remain in good Canonical standing in the Orthodox Church:
      – The wedding must take place in an Orthodox Church
      – The non-Orthodox spouse is not required to convert to Orthodoxy if they do not wish, however they must have been previously baptized in the Trinitarian Doctrine, and in the name of the Holy Trinity
      – During the meetings and direction with your local priest, you should discuss the importance of marriage, and raising your future children in the Orthodox Church. If your non-Orthodox significant other should feel comfortable with this and be willing to have an open heart when learning of the Orthodox traditions and faith. If he does not, that is another discussion you should have with your priest.

      We hope this was helpful. God bless you!

  4. My husband is Christian Catholic and I’m Christian Orthodox. We got married in the registry office last year and now we want to get married in an Orthodox church in Greece. We have all the documents but the priest asked my husband to provide a letter of freedom (this is what they call it in Greece) from his parish. Something to certify that he doesn’t have any other marriage in the catholic church). What is this type of certificate and how we can ask this? Can we take this document from his local parish or does he needs to ask this from the church that got baptised?

    1. Nikki,

      Christ is in our midst! We would recommend asking your husband’s Roman Catholic priest, as well as speaking with your own Orthodox priest. It will all depend on how long your husband has been attending his current Roman Catholic parish. God bless!

  5. I am a Roman Catholic man looking to marry an Orthodox woman. Is this ok or should I convert to the Orthodox church first? What would be necessary for me to convert? For example… I have been baptized and confirmed in the Catholic church, would I have to do those sacraments again in the Orthodox church? Thank you for any clarity or pointing me in the correct direction if there is a website with these details.

    1. Casimir,

      We would strongly recommend you speak with a local Orthodox priest near you. In general, however, one should not convert to the Orthodox Church just to marry an Orthodox woman, or for other similarly superficial reasons. One should convert because one wants to know Christ in His fullness, in His one holy, catholic, and apostolic Church, and because one wants to work toward and attain salvation. Having said that, if you desire to convert to Orthodoxy for yourself and not for your spouse, priests differ on their handling of converts from other Christian confessions. We would again recommend speaking with the particular priest in the parish you plan to attend. At the very least, you would be required to renounce the false beliefs held by the Roman Catholic Church. We hope this is helpful to you – God bless!

  6. Hello.
    What are the views on an orthodox christian man being in a relationship with and/or marrying someone who has children from a previous relationship?

    1. Laurel,

      Christ is born! The matter is quite complex, depending on particular circumstances of the couple, so we would recommend speaking with your priest. If the woman is not Orthodox and was not married in the Church, and you have not previously been married before as an Orthodox man, you would be married under the usual Rite of Marriage (with your priest’s/bishop’s blessing). If the woman is, indeed, Orthodox having previously been married, then the both of you would need special dispensation from the bishop to be married (or remarried in the woman’s case). Whether there are children or not in the relationship does not affect the blessing of marriage; however, it would be something to discuss with your priest to see if marriage to this woman is, indeed, the best thing for you, for her, and for her children. We hope this helps answer your question. God bless!

  7. My fiancé is Greek Orthodox and we are looking at doing 2 ceremonies. One in the church and then a celebratory one at a later date. Is this allowed?

    1. Mackenzie,

      Christ is risen! We are assuming that you are not Orthodox, so depending on what faith you practice, your fiancé’s priest may counsel you differently. We highly recommend speaking with him about this, since he will know you both as a couple better than we can. In general though, it would be a bit strange to have a separate ceremony outside the Church, since the marriage and the ceremony are so intimately tied together. God bless!

  8. Hi, My fiancée and I are getting married in Greece. I am Greek Orthodox and his was baptized catholic.
    He has been married once before but has been legally divorced for 8 years. The Priest in Greece has requested a letter of freedom from his parish. We are unable to get this letter from the Catholic Church as his marriage has not been annulled. From what i understand, he can still get married in the Orthodox church can you please confirm this and advise what i can say to the Priest in Greece about not being able to provide this letter of freedom for my partner?
    The wedding is in August and i am desperately trying to find the solution to this.
    Look forward to your advise.

    1. Maria,

      Christ is in our midst. We are saddened to hear that you are having difficulties in securing documentation. We would strongly counsel you to speak to your own parish priest and ask for his advice. Possibly, even get your bishop involved. You may experience further complications along this journey, given that your husband still technically has a marriage that is considered “valid” in the eyes of the Church. We will pray that the Lord guides you according to His will. God bless.

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